SSC CGL 2020 – 3 March – shift 1 Questions pdf
जैसे-जैसे छात्र परीक्षा हॉल से बाहर निकलेंगे, QUESTIONS पता चलेंगे , हम आपको डिस्क्रिप्शन में दिए गए WEBSITE LINK ,के माध्यम से हर मिनट सारे क्वेश्चन UPDATE करवाते रहेंगे !!!
SSC CGL 3 march 2020 SHIFT 1 VIDEOS
SSC CGL 2020 ( 3rd MARCH SHIFT 1 ) memeory based
General Awareness ( Memory based )
Qs.1: Where was the country first floating ATM Installed?
Ans : Kerala
Qs.2: Kullu ghati is situated between?
Ans : The Kullu valley is situated between the mountain ranges of Pir Panjal and Dhauladar.
Qs.3: In which state is the Shanti Valley located?
Ans : Shanti Valley National Park is located in the Nilgiri Hills in Palakkad district of Kerala.
Qs.4: How is Mimbau High related?
Ans : Petroleum
Qs.5: which is first mobile bank in the country?
Ans : Wachovia bank was the first to announce mobile banking services to their customers
Qs.6: What is the rate at which RBI provides loans to its scheduled banks?
Ans : Axis Bank Limited.
Qs.7: What is the height of the Statue of Unity located in Gujarat?
Ans : 182 M
Qs.8: Which state is the popular dance form of Dandiya associated with?
Ans : Gujarat
Qs.9: What was the childhood name of Sher Shah?
Ans : Farid Khan
Qs.10: On which date is the International Yoga Day celebrated?
Ans : 21 June
Qs.11: When was the Constitution of India implemented?
Ans : 26 January 1950
जैसे-जैसे छात्र परीक्षा हॉल से बाहर निकलेंगे, QUESTIONS पता चलेंगे , हम आपको डिस्क्रिप्शन में दिए गए WEBSITE LINK ,के माध्यम से हर मिनट सारे क्वेश्चन UPDATE करवाते रहेंगे !!!
LINK नीचे DESCRIPTION में दिया गया है !!
Students can attempt all the four sections (General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness & GK, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language & Comprehension) here and can build a smart preparation strategy to clear this exam with a high score.
A good study plan for cracking SSC CGL 2019-20 Exam must include the daily task of practicing Previous Year Question Papers. So, in this article, we are going to share section-wise and date-wise Previous Year Papers of SSC CGL Tier-I Exam held in 2016 and 2015 along with solutions.
Table of Contents
SHIFT 1 Memory based QUESTION – SSC CGL Questions Previous years
SSC CGL 2017 CASE Update by Supreme court 29th November.SC favours SSC CGL 2017 scraping ,SSC CGL 2017 Supreme court Order.
SSC CGL 2017 CASE Update by Supreme court 29th November
The Supreme Court has made an important comment during the hearing of the irregularity case in the SSC CGL 2017 exam. The court said that it is better to cancel the exam of 2017 SSC CGL and get a fresh start. The Supreme Court has sought a response from the Central Government on this issue. In the earlier hearings, the Supreme Court had banned declaration of the results of the combined Graduate Level (CGL) and Senior Secondary Level Examination of SSC 2017.
Supreme court Ssc CGL 2017 case News ! 29 nov. ssc CGL case Update !
What can happen in the next hearing. This is the main question the Supreme Court has it was clearly mentioned that ,the SSC CGL 2017 was compromised this is fair exam.
Supreme Court clearly said that SSC CGL 2017 examination ,mass number of students are found in cheating . and it cannot be denied that the exam was compromised , was not possible remove and select the students were cheated and leave the exam as it is because large number of students are intelligent cheating that’s why it’s not possible to remove them they have also
Central Government that what are the possible cases . has given clear instructions or intimation that the exam should be cancelled because there is no way to sort out this. earlier in August Supreme Court has banned or stop SSC from publishing the result and the result was stopped by after use must protect. also every year this happens there is no clear who govern exam was to be cancelled, then it must have been done that time because large number of students are going to suffer now.
this is the worst condition in education system of present India .SSC CGL examination one of the most prestigious examination who has been conducted in India it must be seen that this is not acceptable by any cost.
SSC Exam 2017 Paper Leak Case: In the 2017 SSC Paper Leak case, there was a hearing in the Supreme Court today. While hearing in this case, the Supreme Court show in favor of repealing the SSC exam 2017.
The court said that in the paper leak case of the Online Main Examination held in February 2018, the beneficiary of the paper leak.
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